Dog Diabetes

Bernie’s Perfect Poop may help manage dog diabetes symptoms

Photo of Bernie's Perfect Poop grass bits up close. When your dog has diabetes, it can be serious. The healthy ingredients in Bernie’s Perfect Poop can help regulate weight and blood sugar levels and that can help manage diabetes symptoms.

  • Good dog gut health is critical for your dog’s overall health. When your dog’s gut is healthy, your dog is healthier. Especially when it comes to diabetes, gut health is important so your dog can absorb all the nutrients he should from food.
  • Food and diet impact your dog’s weight and diabetes propensity and symptoms. The high-quality fiber in Bernie’s Perfect Poop not only helps them maintain a healthy weight, but moves food through their digestive tract at the appropriate speed. This slower, more regulated speed slows the digestion of carbohydrates down. That means there are fewer raid releases of glucose into your dog’s bloodstream and their diabetic symptoms are regulated. Bernie uses the perfect combination of Miscanthus grass, flaxseed and pumpkin seed for fiber, which helps prevent sugar spikes for your dog.
  • Bernie’s Perfect Poop combines prebiotics and probiotics to help create the perfectly balanced gut microbiome. When your dog’s microbiome is in shape, the right balance of good bacteria exists and keeps harmful, pathogenic bacteria out. This means your dog can absorb the nutrients he should from his food, and this helps regulate his blood sugar levels.
  • Each cell in your dog’s body needs nourishment and nutrients. This is especially so if your dog has diabetes. Dogs with diabetes have a difficult time metabolizing the nutrients from the food you give them, They also have a hard time regulating their sugar and insulin levels as a result. When you give your dog Bernie’s enzymes, help encourage optimal nutrient absorption and metabolization by breaking food down. This means better overall health and weight for them as well.
  • Bernie’s Perfect Poop is a 4-in-1 combination of fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes. Good dog gut health is the key to a happier, healthier life for your dog, and that is especially important when your dog has diabetes. Regulating your dog’s nutrient absorption and blood sugar is easier when their gut is healthier.

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Great Product so Far! Product seems to work well! My dog loves it and it got his system back to normal! – EA

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What is dog diabetes and what are the symptoms/signs?

Diabetes is a metabolism disorder. Metabolism is how your dog’s body converts food to energy. We’re all familiar; slower metabolisms mean food is converted to energy more slowly, and this often can look like excess weight and lack of energy in humans and in dogs.

When your dog has canine diabetes, he’s not properly producing glucose and insulin. There are two types of diabetes. They are insulin-resistant and insulin-deficient. The most common type is insulin-resistant canine diabetes.

When your dog eats, they break the food down to be absorbed throughout their body. Glucose is a component of their food, and is carried to your dog’s cells through insulin. Glucose is fuel for your dog’s body, and a type of needed sugar. As they eat and the glucose goes through your dog’s intestines, it’s absorbed by your dog’s blood.

That’s where it comes in contact with insulin, or the carriers of the glucose. Your dog’s pancreas releases this hormone in response to the glucose in his blood and tells it to take the glucose to the cells in your body for your dog to be fueled.

If your dog is insulin deficient, he simply doesn’t have enough insulin to carry the glucose where it needs to go. This means there’s a dangerous level of glucose left in your dog’s body. Your dog’s cells don’t get the glucose they need to be fueled, and in high levels, without being converted to energy for your dog, the glucose is poison and can damage many organs.
If he is insulin-resistant, his pancreas is making insulin, but his body doesn’t recognize the insulin’s job and respond as it should. Your dog’s cells don’t respond to the insulin’s plea to take glucose and distribute it for fuel. Especially common in older, obese dogs, this means your dog’s body has too much glucose and insulin.

You cannot generally cure your canine diabetes mellitus. You can manage symptoms, though, with exercise and diet changes.

Symptoms of dog diabetes include:

  • Excessive water consumption (polydipsia)
  • Frequent/excessive urination (polyuria)
  • Greater appetite (polyphagia)
  • Weight loss, weakness or anorexia
  • Blindness
  • Dehydration
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Urinary accidents in the house
  • Depression
  • Enlarged liver
  • Kidney failure
  • Ketoacidosis

Causes of canine mellitus (Dog Diabetes)

As is the case with humans who have diabetes, it’s not always known why they have the condition. As in humans, genetics play a role. Some dogs may simply be more genetically prone to developing dog diabetes. There’s much research out, however, that dogs who are overweight have increased odds of becoming diabetic, and this is likely because obesity can cause your dog’s body to simply become resistant to insulin. Some research suggests that males who are neutered and females may be more at risk because of the endocrinological implications with reproductive hormones, but the bottom line is there is a dysfunction in your dog’s insulin-glucose connection. Canine diabetes is not contagious.

Possible causes of dog diabetes Can Perfect Poop help?
Poor gut health Yes
Poor digestion Yes
Poor nutrition absorption Yes
Obesity Yes
Genetics Yes
Illustration of Bernie sitting and smiling.
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Warning: If your dog has diabetes

If you believe your dog has any of the symptoms of dog diabetes, you should talk with your veterinarian. Whether insulin-deficient or insulin-resistant, unmanaged diabetes in dogs can lead to serious health implications and even death.

More information about diabetes in dogs

Good dog gut health is pivotal to overall physical health in your dog. Good nutrition is what fuels your dog’s mind and body. A strong microbiome keeps all systems of his body doing what they should.

When your dog’s gut health is strong, he can better break down his food’s nutrients into glucose for fuel. He absorbs the glucose through his intestinal wall and then his blood and transports that converted energy through his body. Insulin is key to this, though. Without the hormone released from his pancreas, the broken down glucose won’t be ‘grabbed’ and transported by the insulin. This results in high glucose and/or insulin levels, which can eventually lead to death due to organ damage and failure.

Fiber may help with diabetes in dogs

Fiber is a key manager for diabetes in dogs. Research suggests fiber and enzymes for nutrient absorption as imperative to keeping your dog’s diabetes under control. With premium fiber like the combination of Miscanthus grass, flaxseed and pumpkin seed in Bernie’s, your dog is able to move his food through his digestive tract at an appropriate speed. The fiber can slow the food down, and that means the carbohydrates (which turn to sugar) are digested more slowly. No rapid spikes in your dog’s blood sugar levels allow the insulin his pancreas produces to have enough time to seek the glucose out and properly transport and process through his system. Fiber also helps keep your dog feeling fuller, and wanting to overeat less. Overweight, obese dogs are at higher risk for diabetes, so supplemented fiber helps reduce that risk.

Prebiotics and probiotics may help with canine diabetes mellitus

Prebiotics and probiotics are key supplements to helping your dog’s gut health be at its best. Prebiotics and probiotics balance out your dog’s digestive tract bacteria and microbiome. Research shows that a balanced microbiome can improve insulin sensitivity, and help manage the symptoms of diabetes. The prebiotic in Bernie’s is Inulin, which acts as a fertilizer to feed the good bacteria in your dog’s lower digestive tract. When the good bacteria in your dog’s digestive tract gets the right nutrition, they thrive and keep any additional harmful bacteria at bay. That means your dog can appropriately absorb the glucose he needs into his intestinal wall and then blood, and be transported as it should for fuel. Not only does a balanced microbiome improve your dog’s insulin sensitivity, but it also helps boost his immune system and keep him more energized to keep the weight off. With a healthy gut, your dog is able to produce appropriate levels of feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters, and the prebiotics and probiotics in your dog’s gut are key factors in this. This means they have better physical and mental states of mind, and that can help keep weight at bay too..

Enzymes may help with dog depression

When it comes to managing diabetes, supplementing with high-quality enzymes can make a big difference. Digestive enzymes like the ones found in Bernie’s will help your dog’s digestive tract break food down better. If he’s able to break food down more completely, he’s able to fuel his body and absorb more nutrients. Digestive enzymes are microscopic molecules of protein that are found all over your dog’s body. Each enzyme has an active site that helps break down food molecules into usable parts, if you will, that can be easily absorbed through your dog’s bloodstream and gut for the best health and regeneration. This is how your dog is better able to metabolize the nutrients of his food. They can also help dogs who have inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis—sometimes side-effects of pancreatic insufficiency and insulin-insufficiency in dogs.

Digestive enzymes like the ones found in Bernie’s allow your dog’s gut to be his healthiest and strongest. The stronger his gut health, the better the gut can serve all the body’s organs. This will mean less insulin/glucose imbalance.

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Other ways to help

  • Give your dog plenty of exercise
  • Feed smaller, consistent meals
  • Feed low-carb/high-protein food and treats
  • Make sure they’re hydrated
  • Consider spaying your female dog
  • Strictly manage weight
  • Consider insulin with veterinarian recommendation
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Related terms

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Dog diabetes mellitus
  • Sugar diabetes dogs
  • Insulin resistance in dogs
  • Elevated sugar levels in dogs
  • High blood sugar in dogs
  • Low blood sugar in dogs